What race categories are available?

We offer 3 individual events:  the full marathon, the half-marathon, and the half-marathon walk.  We also offer a marathon-length relay team event.  

Can teams of two or three people run the relay?

Yes. Relay teams can have 2, 3 or 4 runners.  The team  decides who will run which legs, and each runner indicates which leg or legs they will run when they register on-line.  

You will be pleased to know that the runner who runs more than one leg only pays one registration fee!

Who is eligible to enter the Open, Masters, Masters Plus, Masters Plus Plus and Masters P3 categories?

Runners between the ages of 14 and 39 years on race day fall in the Open category. The Masters category is for runners who are between the ages of 40 and 49 years on race day, and the Masters Plus category is for anyone who is 50 to 59 years of age. Masters Plus Plus are 60 years of age to 69 years on race day.  Masters P3 are 70 years and older, and still running!

What gender categories are available to participants?

We are committed to hosting an event which is inclusive of all genders, and believe that all participants should be able to compete in the gender category with which they identify. 

To support the inclusion of all participants, we have modified our registration form to include 4 gender categories:  male, female, non-binary and prefer not to say.   

How is the race fee determined?

We take steps to keep race fees as low as possible so that price is not an obstacle for most people who want to participate.  We use a cost-recovery model - the fee is based on actual costs  and covers the expenses associated with hosting a race which is safe and fun.  The fee covers expenses such as runner food at race end, flagging and signage, safety personnel on course, advertising and promotion, park rental,  etc.   Other organizations (e.g., Athletics Yukon, Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay, and Sports Yukon) lend us pylons, tents, timing devices and other equipment which also helps keep our costs down.   And, finally the race organization has no paid staff - the YRTM is a volunteer-run event, relying on over 80 volunteers to plan and host the event.   

For 2024, the race fee is $70.

 What if I can't run on race day?

Race and shirt fees are not refundable.  But you can transfer ("sell") your spot online to another participant who is looking for a spot before midnight July 28th.  Go to the Changes and Transfers page for instructions on how to do this.  

What if I want to change my race category?

If you are running or walking in an individual event (marathon, half marathon, half marathon walk) you can change your race category online up to midnight July 28th.   If you have any questions or are unable to make the change, please contact us at register@yukonmarathon.com.

What about last minute changes to relay teams?

After online changes to registration have closed at midnight on July 28th, relay teams can substitute new runners for team members who are injured or who are unable to run on race day.  These changes need to be made at bib pickup, and the new runner will need to sign a hard copy of the waiver.  This waiver must be submitted in order for the bib package to be released.  If you have questions, please contact us at register@yukonmarathon.com.

Is there an early start?  

Yes.  Marathoners and relay teams who estimate that they will not be able to complete the course in 5.5 hours should consider signing up for the early start.  Please read rules 8 and 9 about the purpose and conditions of the early start - you can find these rules under the Race Rules tab . 

Marathoners and team captains who did not request  an early start when they registered may do so by logging into their account at events.com using the same email address used to register and making this change on your registration form.  We also allow marathoners and captains to make this change at bib pickup.   

What if the race is cancelled?

Events which are out of the control of the race organizers (e.g., another pandemic, forest fire on or near the course, extreme weather conditions) may cause the cancellation of the race to minimize risk of harm to participants and volunteers.  Depending on the nature of the event, the race may be cancelled before or on race day, including after the race has started. 

To keep registration fees as low as possible for participants, our budget is based on a cost-recovery model.  We begin to incur expenses well before race day.  In order to ensure the sustainability and financial viability of the race, these expenses must be covered by registration fees, even if the race is cancelled. 

In the event of race cancellation, and at the sole discretion of the Race Organizers, partial refunds may be issued. 

What are the take-homes from the race?

Runners who complete  the marathon and half-marathon races, and half-marathon walkers will receive a hand-made pottery medallion with the Yukon River Trail Marathon logo.

How is the trail marked and what will I encounter on the way?

The course will be marked as follows:

  1. Florescent orange pin flags  will be inserted in the ground to mark the course and show direction at all key intersections.  Flagging tape (usually orange) will mark the course between pin flags. 
  2. Sandwich boards are used to mark entry or exit at intersections on paved portions of the trail
  3. Large orange pylons will be used at Start/Finish Area and at Miles Canyon bridge. 

In addition to beautiful scenery and challenging terrain, you will encounter aid stations with water, sports drink,  and lots of friendly volunteers at checkpoints located at the end of each leg as well as the start/finish line in Shipyards Park.  There are also water stations at intermediary points between checkpoints.

Bathrooms and port-a-potties are available at the race start/finish; port-a-potties are available  at the end of leg 2 (Chadburn Lake), and at the Schwatka Lake Boat Launch (Leg 4).  There are also Port-a-potties off course but near the Miles Canyon exchange point -  check with race volunteers at this station for directions.  Please note that we cannot adjust your time for bathroom breaks. 

What about bears?

Bears on course are a regular, but not annual, occurrence.  Runners should be prepared by reading material on bear encounters and staying safe in bear country on the Environment Yukon website and watching this.   Environment Yukon recommends carrying bear spray and knowing how to use it.

If you see a bear on or near the course, take note of whether it is aware of you. 

  • If the bear is aware of your presence:   speak calmly but firmly to the bear, don’t run but back away slowly and find an alternative route around it. If you do feel it necessary to proceed on the trail route, do so cautiously and make noise as you go.  Report the sighting to the first volunteer you encounter. 

  • If the bear is not aware of your presence:  – try and move without getting the bear’s attention, watch for any change in its behaviour, make a wide detour and try to be undetected. Rejoin the course when you put some distance between you and the bear,  and report the sighting to the next volunteer you encounter. 

  • If you see young bears on the ground or in trees, be cautious and go back quietly the way you came before making a wide detour.

  • If the bear is defensive, aggressive,  and poses a risk to your safety, make yourself as big as possible by spreading your arms in the air , speak softly (e.g., “I’m just passing through - you need to go”) and walk slowly backwards.  Once you are no longer under threat, go back to the last race volunteer or aid station – warn other runners you encounter on the way and give the race volunteer as much information as you can about the bear’s whereabouts and its behaviour.  This information will allow race officials to consider if and how the course should be re-routed. 

  • If the bear is persistent and closes the gap between you, use your bear spray as a last resort.


What is the elevation gain?

Total elevation gain is 862 metres.  Under the  Route page, there is a pdf of the course which includes an elevation profile of the full marathon.  

How can I familiarize myself with the course?

Evening training runs for legs 2, 3 and 4 may be organized by Athletics Yukon on Thursday nights during the four weeks leading up to the race. Click here to confirm dates and times for the runs.

If you are from out of town and unable to familiarize yourself with the route before race day, please read the course description under Route, review the map, and/or go over the course with one of the volunteers at bib pick up.

What type of sport drink is available on the course?

Gatorade. It's available at the first water station opposite the float plane dock, Miles Canyon Bridge, Chadburn Lake picnic area, Schwatka Lake and the final Chadburn Lake Road crossing.

Where and when can I pickup my Race Bib?

See Schedule here.

Please note that any race packages that are not picked up by the end of bib pickup  are forfeited unless other arrangements have been made.

How does the timing stick system work?

Each racer will need to carry a small timing stick (attached to a lanyard) and 'dip' it in a small timing receptacle when they finish their event.  This is the same system now used by both the Klondike International Road Relay and the Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay.  In order to get leg times for relay teams, the stick must be dipped at the end of each leg, before passing the stick on to the next runner. 

Time is recorded when the stick is dipped, so be sure to go straight to the dipping station!  There are volunteers at the finish line to assist. 

If you have picked up your bib package but cannot run on race day, please make every effort to return the timing stick to Shipyards Park on race day, or to Sport Yukon within a day or two of the race.   The sticks are expensive to replace!

What food and drink is available post-race?

A sandwich, including a vegetarian option, a cookie, bananas,  and choice of drinks is available post-race for all participants, beginning at approximately 11:30.  

When will the results be posted?

Results will be posted in Shipyards Park shortly after the close of the race at 2:30 and on our web site and Facebook page.